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For children | Campus lunchtime products

Here are some useful tips to help your packed lunch products last as long as possible.

  • All our Campus lunchtime products are dishwasher safe. Please note: to preserve the printed design on your insulated flip-up bottle, we recommend that you do not put the lower, stainless-steel part in the dishwasher.
  • After cleaning, do not replace the lid of the lunchbox or beaker immediately but allow them to dry separately. This will prevent unpleasant smells.
  • The sealing ring on Campus drinking products can be boiled. The pressure safety device found in school cups produced before 2018 can also be boiled. Please note that none of the other parts of these products should be boiled!

All our lunchtime products are dishwasher safe.

Please note: to preserve the printed design on your insulated flip-up bottle, we recommend that you do not put the lower, stainless-steel part in the dishwasher.

No, our Campus lunch products are not made of melamine. Information about what our products are made from can be found in the product specifications for each product on our website. 


Mould is caused by foods that contain acids, like milk. This mould can build up in the sealing ring. To get rid of mould, remove the sealing ring from the lid and boil it.

Please note: the lid itself and the cup should not be boiled!

To prevent mould, clean the beaker regularly. We recommend cleaning the beaker after each use, either by hand or in the dishwasher.

Tip: store the cup open with the lid off.

If your Campus beaker is leaking, it's likely that the safety valve in the lid isn't properly in place. This valve is found only in Campus beakers manufactured before 2018.

For beakers made after 2018, it's especially important that the silicone ring is fitted correctly.

  1. Remove the sealing ring from the lid using the blunt edge of a knife.
  2. You can now clean the sealing ring and the lid. Both parts can be cleaned in the dishwasher. However, we recommend washing them by hand.
  3. Afterwards, you can put the lid back together again.

Tip: always leave the beaker open when you store it. Leave the lid off and store it next to the beaker. This allows the beaker to dry fully.

Storing fruit juices in a closed container for a long time can cause them to ferment. This can create a build-up of pressure inside the beaker. The pressure safety valve stops the pressure becoming too high and causing the beaker to explode. When the pressure inside the beaker becomes too high, the safety valve pops open. This then causes the beaker to leak. After you have cleaned the beaker's components, you can easily reassemble it. By the way, the beaker can be safely used with fizzy drinks too. The pressure created by the carbon dioxide in the beaker is not enough to open the safety valve.

We know you want to make sure your pop-up drinks bottle is kept hygienically clean. So here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean it.

For daily cleaning, the pop-up and flip-up drinks bottles can simply be washed in the dishwasher. However, the insulated stainless-steel drinking bottle is not dishwasher safe. The dishwasher can fade the decorative print on these bottles, so we recommend washing them by hand. The insulated bottle's cap and straw are dishwasher safe.

Daily cleaning:

1. Unscrew the cap from the bottle.
2. Unscrew the white part that holds the spout by turning it anti-clockwise.
3. Pull the transparent pop-up spout out of the cap.
4. These parts can now be cleaned in the dishwasher.

These four steps are sufficient for daily cleaning. All of the components can be cleaned in the dishwasher.

We recommend that the cap is thoroughly cleaned once a week. Repeat the above four steps and then proceed as follows:

5. Press the button and, using a thin, blunt instrument, pry the coloured cover off the top of the cap.
6. Press the button again to push the coloured nozzle down and remove it from the cap. 
7. Squeeze the edges of the logo plate to slide it forward.
8. These parts can all be cleaned in the dishwasher. Afterwards, you can put them back together again.

Below are instructions for cleaning drinks bottles made before 2018:

1. Unscrew the cap from the bottle.
2. Before taking the cap apart, open the spout.
3. Unscrew the grey holder with the serrated edge from the cap by turning it anti-clockwise.
4. Remove the spout with the sealing ring and the metal spring from the cap. This is done by pressing the spout release button and simultaneously removing the spout with the spring and seal.
5. You can now clean these components. Although these parts can all be cleaned in the dishwasher, we recommend washing them by hand.
6. Before reassembling the cap, make sure the sealing ring is securely placed on the spout. You can do this by checking that the hole of the sealing ring on the inside of the spout is round . If this is not the case, reposition the seal on the spout.
7. Place the spout with the sealing ring and spring back inside the cap. This is done by pressing the release button as you insert the spout and seal.
8. Screw the grey holder with the serrated edge clockwise into the cap and make sure that it is firmly in place.
9. Press the spout closed again.

Check that all the parts are in place. It is important that the silicone ring is fitted properly.

For pop-up drinks bottles made before 2018, follow these steps:

  1. Unscrew the cap from the bottle.
  2. Before taking the cap apart, open the spout.
  3. Unscrew the grey holder with the serrated edge from the cap by turning it anti-clockwise.
  4. Remove the spout with the sealing ring and the metal spring from the cap. This is done by pressing the spout release button and simultaneously removing the spout with the spring and seal.
  5. You can now clean these individual parts. Although these parts can all be cleaned in the dishwasher, we recommend washing them by hand.
  6. Before putting the cap back together, check that the sealing ring is still in place on the spout. You can do this by checking that the hole of the sealing ring on the inside of the spout is round. If this is not the case, reposition the seal on the spout.
  7. Place the spout with the sealing ring and spring back inside the cap. This is done by pressing the release button as you insert the spout and seal.
  8. Screw the grey holder with the serrated edge clockwise into the cap and make sure that it is firmly in place.
  9. Press the spout closed again.

For more information, see the instruction video below: